
A. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Call to Order/ Roll Call 2. Results of Board Seat Election- Board Secretary/Treasurer/Administrator 3. Approval Prior Board Meeting Minutes (a) July 26, 2013 4. Participant and Guest Introductions 5. Approval of 2014 FL SAFE Annual Budget- FMAS/PMA B. OTHER ITEMS 1. Investment Advisor/Operations Manager Update - PMA (a) Economic and Market Update (b) FLSAFE LGIP Portfolio Update (c) Operations Manager Report (d) Update on FIIP Rates (e) Term Series – Discussion Proposed Second 2013 Issue (f) PMA Comments 2. Administrator Update- FMAS (a) Marketing Update, Conferences, Events, Presentations (b) FMAS Comments 3. FLSAFE Counsel’s Comments 4. Participants’ Comments 5. Advisory Council Comments- Banking Services Option 6. Board Members’ Comments C. SET NEXT MEETING DATE/ ADJOURNMENT 1. Future meeting dates: January 2014