
The Department is proposing amendments to Chapter 62S-4, F.A.C., Rules and Procedures for Coastal Partnership Initiative Grants, authorized by Section 380.22(3), F.S. Rule 62S-4 provides the definitions, eligibility, selection method and process for awarding the funds of the Coastal Partnership Initiative(CPI) subgrant program. The proposed amendments will clarify and update existing rule language, add definitions for “REDI” communities, and “306A construction projects”. The revisions provide an increase in the maximum grant award limits, provide for electronic submission of applications and related documents, require the specification of the useful life of a project, updates to Department contact sites, specific requirements for construction and shoreline protection applications, modifying the evaluation criteria for the project location, adding evaluation criteria for REDI communities, increasing the project completion criteria to 18 months, and adding to the final funding decisions past performance, likely success of achieving program goals, availability of funds and revising the application form to implement the proposed changes.