
The proposed rule amendments are enhanced water conservation provisions for water use permit applicants and permittees. The proposed amendments add to or enhance existing water conservation requirements and reporting for all water uses and are summarized below: Public Supply Water Use – 1. Permit allocations are based on a maximum of 150 gallons per person per day, 2. Water conservation programs and measures are to be described in the permit application, 3. Irrigation of common areas is to be minimized, including through the use of Florida-friendly landscaping and accomplished through the use of alternative sources where feasible, 4. Wholesale water use permits are required for receivers of 100,000 pgd (AAD) or greater, 5. Maximum unaccounted water loss standards are set forth and audits required where exceeded, 6. Water conserving rate structures are required, 7. Informative customer billing, including meter reading information, is established, 8. Water audits are required for new permits, and 9. Annual reporting of per capita, residential water use, reclaimed use and generation and significant use is required Recreation /Aesthetic Water Use – 1. Water conservation programs and measures are to be described in the permit application and are to include a description of how standard conservation measures are implemented , 2. Water quantities will not be allocated for the irrigation of golf course roughs, and 3. Irrigation of common areas is to be minimized, including through the use of Florida-friendly landscaping and accomplished through the use of alternative sources where feasible. Agricultural, Industrial/Commercial, and Mining/Dewatering Water Use – 1. Water conservation programs and measures are to be described in the permit application and are to include a description of how standard conservation measures are implemented. In general, most of the rules already apply in the SWUCA and other water use caution areas, and are applicable to Individual (500,000 gpd or more) and general (<100,000 gpd) permits. Small general (>100,000 gpd) permittees must agree to implement feasible conservation measures, but small general public supply permittees are exempt from submitting annual reports, rate structure, customer billing information and water audit requirements.