
The purpose of this rule development is to: provide criteria for apprenticeable occupations; identify the Department of Education as the entity that formulates and promotes the standards necessary to safeguard the welfare and wages of apprentices; revise apprenticeship definitions; revise the eligibility and procedures for registering apprenticeship programs; revise the apprenticeship standards; revise the information contained in the Apprenticeship Agreement; revise the process for deregistration of a registered program and rename the entities involved; identify the entities responsible for hearings and to indicate the timeframe for rendering an opinion; identify the entity to which a complaint should be addressed, to revise the timeframe for certain actions, and to set forth conditions for filing complaints; revise the entities to which evidence for reinstatement must be presented; and revise the entities pertinent to preapprenticeship programs, revise preapprenticeship definitions, certain criteria, and processes, pursuant to Sections 120.57, 446.011, 446.021, 446.032, 446.041, 446.052, 446.071, 446.075, 446.081(3), 446.092, Florida Statutes; Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 29; Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 30.