11B-27.0011(4)(b)1.: Amends the current rule language by removing the charge of Video Voyeurism (810.145, F.S.) as a result of a 2012 statutory change which made the charge a misdemeanor for anyone under 19 years old, and a felony for anyone 19 years old or older.
11B-27.0011(5): Specifies a timeframe of 10 calendar days during which an officer can recant a false statement prior to the employing agency’s conclusion of the internal affairs investigation.
11B-27.002(3)(a)4.: Revises the Temporary Employment Authorization Statement, form CJSTC-65, to clarify the firearms training requirements outlined in Rule 11B-27.00213(2)(a), F.A.C., and specify that agencies must document and verify the appropriate training of the officer if he or she is carrying a firearm.
11B-27.002(3)(a)15.: Revises the Affidavit of Separation, form CJSTC-61, and removes the possible negative stigma associated with a person being “terminated” when this reason is typically used for a separation beyond the officer’s control such as the dissolution of the agency.
11B-27.00212(14)(e): Updates the name of the Injury or Illness Exemption for the Firearms Law Enforcement Officer Qualification Standard, form CJSTC-86B.
11B-27.00212(15)(c): Updates the list of programs that law enforcement officers may complete to satisfy the Elder Abuse Training requirement and renumbers Rule 11B-27.00212(15)(c)1.-10., F.A.C., because sub-paragraphs # 1, 3, and 5 were removed.
11B-27.00212(15)(c)1.: Deletes the retired CMS Application-Based Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program (BRTP) number 224.
11B-27.00212(15)(c)3.: Deletes the retired Traditional Correctional Cross-Over to CMS Application-Based Law Enforcement BRTP number 1143.
11B-27.00212(15)(c)4.: Updates the status of the Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Law Enforcement BRTP number 1191 because the program was retired on 6/30/14.
11B-27.00212(15)(c)5.: Deletes the retired Traditional Correctional Probation Cross-Over to CMS Application-Based Law Enforcement BRTP number 1157.
11B-27.00212(15)(c)6.: Updates the status of the Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Law Enforcement BRTP number 1179 because the program was retired on 6/30/14.
11B-27.00213(2)(b): Revises the CMS Firearms Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-4 CMS, to include local agencies; adds the Safe Handling of Firearms Course to the list of courses required to maintain the instructor to student ratio; adds a line for the rangemaster’s printed name; clarifies language on the proficiency check lists; and revises language to clarify scoring criteria.
11B-27.004(8)-(14): Deletes subsection 11B-27.004(8), F.A.C., and renumbers subsections 11B-27.004(9)-(14) because Commission staff will no longer issue a Letter of Acknowledgment to respondents who have been terminated by an employing agency.
11B-27.004(9)(e): Deletes the previous subsection 11B-27.004(9)(e), F.A.C., due to the removal of subsection 11B-27.004(8), F.A.C., reference Commission staff issuing a Letter of Acknowledgment to respondents who have been terminated by the employing agency.
11B-27.005(5)(a)18.: Adds the felony charge of Video Voyeurism to the list of enumerated penalty guidelines.
11B-27.005(b)4.: Adds language to specify the charge of Falsification of a Use of Force Report is included in the enumerated penalty guidelines for misdemeanors involving false reports and statements.
11B-27.005(b)8.: Removes the misdemeanor charge of Video Voyeurism (810.145, F.S.) from the list of enumerated penalty guidelines misdemeanor as a result of a 2012 statutory change.
11B-27.005(5)(c)2.: Changes the recommended penalty range for the violation of sexual harassment involving physical contact or misuse of position to “probation with training to suspension with training.”
11B-27.013(3)(b)2.: Revises the Canine Course Equivalency Checklist, form CJSTC-70A, to include the canine handler’s name as well as the canine’s name.