Commission staff convened Biological Review Groups to evaluate the status of 5 species of special concern in 2016 and 2017. Based on these evaluations, staff made listing status recommendations to the Commission which were approved in July 2017 and December 2017. The staff recommendation was that only one species warranted listing on Florida’s Endangered and Threatened Species List and that 5 species should be removed from the Species of Special Concern list. However, as specified by rule, any listing status changes were not to be implemented until a management plan for the species was approved. The Imperiled Species Management Plan (ISMP) covering these species was approved in 2016 and changes will be made to the ISMP and Species Action Plans to reflect the changes in status. This revision includes reclassifying one species from Species of Special Concern to State designated Threatened and reclassifying 5 species from Species of Special Concern to unlisted and removing them from the list. Additionally, there were changes to scientific names of 4 species and errors found with the common names of two species. Proposed revisions to the rule correct these errors.