Rule Chapter 69L-56, F.A.C., is being amended to incorporate by reference the revised Form DFS-F5-DWC-EDI-1, “EDI Trading Partner Profile”, and the revised Form DFS-F5-DWC-EDI-4, “Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Instructions”. The revised Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation Proof of Coverage (POC) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Implementation Manual (1/01/08), which contains revisions to the Element Requirement Table and Edit Matrix, and requires insurer reporting of total payroll and number of employees, is also incorporated by reference. The rule is also being amended to incorporate by reference the revised national standard International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions (IAIABC) EDI Implementation Guide for Proof of Coverage Release 2.1 (6/01/07) and the IAIABC EDI Release 3 Implementation Guide for Claims (1/01/08). Rule 69L-56.205, F.A.C., is being added to specify the insurer requirements of reporting proof of coverage information to the Division of Workers’ Compensation for a professional employer organization or employee leasing company and its client companies. The proposed rule also adds a definition regarding the meaning of “Cancellation/Non-Renewal Effective Date”, which clarifies that such an event occurs at 12:01 a.m. on that Transaction Set Type Effective Date reported to the Division of Workers’ Compensation, or as derived by the Division of Workers’ Compensation as determined in Rule 69L-56.200, F.A.C. Additionally, the proposed rule deletes redundant language from Rule 69L-56.100, F.A.C., changes the title to fully reflect the scope of the rule, and makes clerical revisions where necessary. Rule 69L-56.330, F.A.C., which has become obsolete, is to be repealed concurrently with these proposed amendments.