
Rule 64C-7.001 provides definition of terms as used in this chapter. Rule 64C-7.002 identifies and incorporates by reference those disorders that infants must be screened for and addresses procedures for collection. Rule 64C-7.0025 provides procedures for the newborn screening centers to follow and is not statutorily supported. Rule 64C-7.004 states that all newborn screening laboratory tests are to be conducted by the State Public Health Laboratory and is duplicative of statute. Rule 64C-7.006 addresses newborn screening records and is unnecessary. Rule 64C-7.007 provides criteria for the designation of disorders for inclusion on the screening panel and is unnecessary. Rule 64C-7.008 addresses objections to prenatal and postnatal risk screening and updates or clarifies the risk screening instruments to be used. Rule 64C-7.010 addresses prenatal and postnatal risk screening records and has been updated to simplify language.