
To review the Commission’s recent regional analysis of the red drum stock assessment. Possible rule changes will be discussed including creating regional management areas for red drum and raising the bag limit to two red drum per person per day in the two northern regions of the state. Possible rule changes will also be discussed for the southeast region of the state such as a change to the slot limit or closed seasons. The purpose of this Notice is also to cancel the following meetings: DATE AND TIME: November 30, 2010, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. PLACE: Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Karen A. Steidinger Auditorium, 100 Eighth Ave., S. E., St. Petersburg, FL 33701 DATE AND TIME: December 1, 2010, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Council Chambers, 123 N. W. Hwy. 19, Crystal River, FL 34428