
The proposed creation of Rule 12A-1.0615, F.A.C. (Hotel Reward Points Programs): (1) provides that the rule will govern the taxation of transactions between hotel reward points program administrators and hotels within the program; (2) provides that no tax is to be collected from a member of a program when the member uses a certificate or confirmation number and is provided a room at no charge; (3) defines the terms “hotel,” “reimbursements,” and “contributions”; (4) provides that tax is due when a hotel receives more in reimbursements from the program fund than it paid in contributions to the program fund in the prior calendar year; (5) provides the calculation of taxable reimbursements for a hotel’s initial twelve months of participation in a program and for each calendar year subsequent to the initial year of operation, including examples of the calculations; and (6) provides the recordkeeping requirements of hotels participating in a reward points program.