The proposed creation of Rule 12-22.008, F.A.C. (Warrants and Liens List), provides: (1) that the Department will prepare, publish, and maintain the Warrants and Liens List authorized by Chapters 2010-138 and 2010-166, L.O.F., containing a list of taxpayers who have an outstanding tax warrant, lien, or judgment lien for the taxes, surtaxes, surcharges, or fees regulated, controlled, or administered by the Department; (2) the information that will be contained in the Warrants and Liens List and those taxpayers that will not be included; (3) that the Warrants and Liens List will be updated monthly; (4) the requirements that a taxpayer must meet to be removed from the Warrants and Liens List; and (5) that no other reports or information will be made available concerning taxpayers included in or removed from the Warrants and Liens List.