NOAA Fisheries modified the Feb. 1 – Mar. 31 recreational shallow-water grouper closure in Gulf of Mexico federal waters so that it only applies seaward of 20 fathoms (50 C.F.R. § 622.34(d), effective July 5, 2013). Recreationally-caught shallow-water grouper harvested in federal waters shoreward of 20 fathoms are no longer subject to this seasonal closure. This rule amendment would eliminate the February through March recreational closed season for grouper species including black grouper, red grouper, yellowfin grouper, yellowmouth grouper, red hind, rock hind, and scamp in Gulf of Mexico state waters excluding Monroe County. All Gulf of Mexico state waters are shoreward of the 20-fathom line and are adjacent to the area where the closure has been removed. The purpose of this rule is to achieve consistency between the Commission’s harvest season for these grouper species in state waters of the Gulf of Mexico and regulations in Gulf federal waters.
The effect of this rule amendment is that federal and state regulations for these grouper species can be applied consistently in the Gulf of Mexico. Consistent regulations in state waters would eliminate confusion when fishing for these groupers in the Gulf of Mexico and provide more recreational opportunities for anglers during February and March.
68B-14.0039 (Recreational Grouper Seasons) would be amended to eliminate language providing a closed season for black grouper, red grouper, yellowfin grouper, yellowmouth grouper, red hind, rock hind, and scamp in state waters of the Gulf of Mexico during the months of February and March.