
The purpose of the proposed rule change to Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E-5.502 is to add administrative controls for ionizing radiation machines manufactured and used only for security purposes in jails and correctional facilities on legal detainees in accordance with ANSI/HPS N43, 17-2009, “Radiation Safety for Personnel Security Screening Systems Using X-ray or Gamma Radiation”. DH Form 1107, 9/14, “Radiation Machine Facility Registration,” will be used for reporting compliance with ANSI/HPS N43, 17-2009. This form is incorporated by reference in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E-5.511, and will be updated to include check boxes for those registering ionizing radiation machines manufactured and used for security purposes in jails and correctional facilities on legal detainees only, and change the date of the form. Reference to DH 1107, 9/14 will also be updated in Florida Administrative Code Rules 64E-5.1602 and 5.801. The Department intends to clarify language in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E-5.511(5)(a) regarding registrant and assembler reporting requirements and modify DH Form 1114, 4/97 to include installation requirements for certified x-ray system, while removing a reference to a federal form.