The purpose of amending Rule 12D-18.003, F.A.C., is to align the rule with amendments to Chapter 50, F.S., by Chapter 2021-17, L.O.F., effective January 1, 2022, which allows a local government to publish its notice of intent to use the uniform method of collection for collecting non-ad valorem assessments on a newspaper’s website. The purpose of amending Rule 12D-18.005, F.A.C., is to align the rule with the amendments to Chapter 50, F.S., which allows a local government to publish its notice of intent to adopt non-ad valorem assessments levied for the first time on a newspaper’s website. The purpose of repealing Rule 12D-18.011, F.A.C., is to remove the duplication of the incorporation of forms that are incorporated by reference in Rule 12D-16.002, F.A.C.
Rule text is posted on the Department’s website at http://floridarevenue.com/rules.