
Financial Management No.: 427232-1-32-01 Project Description: SR 100 Resurfacing from East of I-95 to SR A1A, Flagler County The Florida Department of Transportation will conduct a public information meeting to provide details on the upcoming roadway construction project on SR 100 (Moody Boulevard) from 420 feet east of Old Kings Road in Flagler County, Florida to SR A1A (Ocean Shore Boulevard) in Flagler Beach, Florida. The improvements to be made as part of this project consist of removing old asphalt (milling) and repaving the roadway and shoulders, minor roadway widening to accommodate a bicycle lane at the SR 100, Flagler Avenue intersection and bicycle lanes through right turn lanes at Old Kings Road and Roberts Road. Other miscellaneous work includes pedestrian curb ramp improvements, relocation of the westerly midblock pedestrian crossing in Flagler Beach and signing and pavement markings. This public information meeting will be an open house format with no formal presentation. Project staff will be available to answer questions regarding the anticipated improvements, lanes closures and other project related information.