Vicki Mitchell, 719 South Woodland Boulevard, DeLand, Florida 32720, (386)943-5461 at least ten days prior to the public hearing date.
Pursuant to the Americans with Disability Act, if requested, the Department will provide special assistance or translation services for those persons who are disabled at the Public Hearings free of charge. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services (free of charge) should contact: Vicki Mitchell, 719 South Woodland Boulevard, DeLand, Florida 32720, (386)943-5461 at least ten days prior to the public hearing date.
The presentation of the Department’s Tentative Five Year Work Program will also be available through various local TV stations. Please check the website for the availability in your area. For more information on the dates and places of the District Five Florida Department of Transportation’s Work Program Public Hearings, please contact: Vicki Mitchell at (386)943-5461.