
The rules prescribe the circumstances in which public officers and employees can, and cannot, accept gifts or honorarium: Rule 34-13.100, F.A.C. - Amendments clarify that Chapter 34 applies to local government attorneys, reference that the Commission can utilize provisions in the Chapter when it receives referrals, and correct grammatical errors. Rule 34-13.110 - Being repealed as its entire purpose is to reference the "Parts" of Chapter 34-13, and the structure of the Florida Administrative Code no longer lends itself to division of rule chapters into "Parts." Rule 34-13.120 - Amendments clarify that pertinent laws can be triggered when "things of value" are given, that in certain circumstances the gift laws are applicable to persons other than public officers or employees, and incorporate recent statutory changes pertaining to vendors and committees of continuous existence. Section 34-13.130 - Amendments clarify that pertinent laws can be triggered when "things of value" are given, incorporate recent statutory changes pertaining to vendors and committees of continuous existence, relate that additional gift restrictions may apply under Sections 112.31485 and 112.3215, and indicate that certain gift laws extend to individuals besides public officers and public employees. Rule 34-13.140 - Amendments reflect gift prohibitions recently added in Section 112.31485, incorporate recent statutory changes pertaining to vendors and committees of continuous existence, eliminate outdated reference to "Parts" of the Florida Administrative Code, and add relevant statutes to the Rulemaking Authority. Rule 34-13.150 - Amendment adds relevant statute to the Rulemaking Authority. Rule 34-13.160 - Amendments reflect prohibitions recently added in Section 112.31485, eliminate outdated references to "Parts" of the Florida Administrative Code, and incorporate recent statutory changes related to vendors and committees of continuous existence. Rule 34-13.210 - Amendments reflect that Section 112.3148 defines a "gift" differently than Section 112.31485. Rule 34-13.214 - Amendment indicates the section refers only to those examples of exclusions to the definition of a "gift" that are found in Section 112.3148. Rule 34-13.250 - Amendment corrects a statutory reference to Section 287.012. Rule 34-13.270 - Amendments indicate the requirement to file a financial disclosure may be found in laws including, but not limited to, the Florida Constitution and Chapter 112, and adds Section 112.31485 as rulemaking authority. Rule 34-13.300 - Amendments incorporate recent statutory changes pertinent to vendors and committees of continuous existence. Rule 34-13.310 - Amendments incorporate recent statutory changes pertinent to vendors and committees of continuous existence, and reflect prohibitions recently added in Section 112.31485. Rule 34-13.320 - Amendments incorporate recent statutory changes pertinent to vendors and committees of continuous existence, clarify that the exceptions mentioned apply only to "gifts" as that term is defined in Section 112.3148, and eliminate references to the dissolved Technological Research and Development Authority. Rule 34-13.400 - Amendments relate that the law just excludes gifts prohibited by Section 112.3148 from the reporting requirements and eliminates outdated references to "Parts" of the Florida Administrative Code. Rule 34-13.410 - Amendment eliminates reference to the Technological Research and Development Authority, which was recently dissolved. Rule 34-13.420 - Amendments incorporate recent statutory changes pertinent to vendors and committees of continuous existence, and eliminates references to the Technological Research and Development Authority, which was recently dissolved. Rule 34-13.500 - Amendment eliminates language that contradicts Rule 34-13.210(b). Rule 34-13.620 - Amendments incorporate recent statutory changes pertinent to vendors and committees of continuous existence, as well as prohibitions recently added in Section 112.31485 concerning accepting certain expenses from political committees. Rule 34-13.630 - Amendments incorporate recent statutory changes pertinent to vendors and committees of continuous existence, as well as prohibitions recently added in Section 112.31485 concerning political committees giving certain expenses. Rule 34-13.710 - Amendments incorporate recent statutory changes pertinent to vendors and committees of continuous existence.