To consider, discuss and provide recommendations for consideration by the Commission regarding the following Declaratory Statement: DS 2013-046 by Sal Delfino of Petersen Aluminum Corp. (Deferred from the October meeting).
To receive and discuss the Roofing TAC recommendations with regard to equivalency of FRSA/TRI 0732018-05 to FRSA/TRI Fifth Edition.
To receive and discuss the Structural TAC recommendation with regard to equivalency of ANSI/DASMA 108-2012 to ANSI/DASMA 108-2005.
To review comments related to the proposed changes to Rules 61G20-3.007, Product Approval by the Commission, and 61G20-3.015, Equivalence of Standards, for the purpose of making recommendations for consideration by the Commission during the Rule Development Workshop to be held in conjunction with the December 13, 2013 Commission meeting.
To receive and update from Keystone Certification Inc. with regard to Zion Tile Corp. (FL 16057) compliance with parameters of their state product approval.
Product approval & entities statistics report.
Product approval administrator’s performance survey.
Report on conditional approval from the October meeting.
Report on QA expiration notifications.
To review and discuss the requirements of Rule 61G20-3 with regard to product testing laboratories, specifically the requirements that approval be limited to a specific physical location.
Provide a summary of Commission’s options pertaining to initiating an investigation of products, and for initiating suspension and/or revocation of products.
Review of product approval and entity applications and other business for the Commission.