This hearing is being held to afford interested persons the opportunity to express their views concerning the location, conceptual design, social, economic, and environmental effects of widening SR 45 from 111th Place Lane to approximately S. W. 61st Street, Marion County, a distance of approximately 4.3 miles. Financial Project Number 238648-1-22-01/ 238648-1-22-02, otherwise known as the SR 45/US 41 Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study.
Anyone needing project or public hearing information or special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 should write: Florida Department of Transportation, District Five, 719 South Woodland Boulevard, MS #4-501, DeLand, Florida 32720, or call Amy Sirmans, Project Manager at (386)943-5404.
Special accommodation requests under the Americans with Disabilities Act should be made at least seven (7) days prior to the public hearing.