
Rule 61G7-5.001, F.A.C.-The amendment adds a reference citing to the Department’s rule for Employee Leasing Companies, where the applications can be found. Rule 61G7-5.0011, F.A.C.-The amendment identifies the Department rule where the application forms for de minimis operations registration can be found. Rule 61G7-5.0012, F.A.C.-The amendment updates the text to reference the Board’s Historical Sketch Form DBPR EL-4512 adopted elsewhere, and Form OFR-S-7-91, which under certain circumstances may be filed in lieu of the Historical Sketch form. The forms remain unchanged. Rule 61G7-5.003, F.A.C.-The amendment changes “attestation of” to “affirmation by written declaration.” Board Form DBPR EL-4503 remains unchanged from when it was approved by the Board in 2011. The rule text is updated to reflect the correct form and the correct form title. Rule 61G7-5.0033, F.A.C.-The amendment adds a reference citing to the Department’s rule for Employee Leasing Companies for application forms that include the Board Approved Cross Guarantee Form, and updates a reference to Board Form DBPR EL-4518. The Board Form DBPR EL-4518 remains unchanged. Rule 61G7-5.005, F.A.C.-The amendment updates information on how to access Board Form DBPR EL-4505. Board Form DBPR EL-4505 remains unchanged.