The proposed rules will reserve from additional allocation: 1) all surface water in the Kissimmee River, its floodplain, and the Headwaters Revitalization Lakes; 2) quantities of surface water up to specific water reservation stages in the Upper Chain of Lakes; and 3) surface water and groundwater in the surficial aquifer system and contributing waterbodies that contribute water to the reservation lakes and the Kissimmee River and floodplain.
The proposed reservation rules will be implemented in coordination with the District’s water use permitting program to ensure future water users do not withdraw reserved water. Direct and indirect withdrawals of water from the Kissimmee River and Headwaters Lakes will be limited to existing permitted water use allocations. Additional direct and indirect withdrawals of water from the Upper Chain of Lakes and contributing waterbodies will be limited to quantities of surface water above the proposed water reservation stages. Any new withdrawals authorized under the water use permitting program shall not reduce average annual flows at S-65 by 4.18 percent. This requirement is imposed to ensure that water use withdrawals do not interfere with KRRP restoration targets. The proposed rules also include regulatory criteria to protect downstream users in the Lake Okeechobee Service Area.