
This Public Kick-off Meeting is being held to give interested persons an opportunity to share information and express their views concerning the Colonial Parkway Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study for potential improvements along the State Road (SR) 50 corridor from Woodbury Road to SR 520 in eastern Orange County, Florida (Financial Project ID Number 440314-1). The study will consider alternatives to reduce congestion and provide enhanced mobility options such as capacity improvements along the SR 50 corridor, including up to three (3) local SR 50 travel lanes per direction and up to two (2) new toll lanes per direction, as well as connectivity to the SR 408 interchange. During the open house, information on the study process, study area, purpose and need, and other project information, including social, environmental and economic resources, will be on display. For more information, you may visit the project website at for project information and updates throughout the study (available starting November 30, 2017).