The Florida Building Commission will review and decide on Accessibility Waiver Applications, review, and take up and consider other matters that appear on the Commission’s agenda. Specifically, the Commission will address:
Accessibility Waiver Applications:
1. Greenbrier Hotel – Waiver 277 - 3101 Indian Creek Drive, Miami Beach 33139 - Issue: Vertical accessibility to all levels. Staff Analysis
2. 8635 Harding Ave. Apartments - Waiver 272 - 8635 Harding Ave. Miami Beach 33141 - Issue: Vertical accessibility to the second floor. Staff Analysis
3. Good Viberations Only LLC – Waiver 280 - 809 Railroad Ave. Tallahassee 32310 - Issue: Vertical accessibility to raised areas. Staff Analysis
4. 4. MSFM 17002010, Pepper Building, Garage #34 – Waiver 276 - 111 W. Madison Street Tallahassee 32399 - Issue: Accessible parking. Staff Analysis
Petitions for Declaratory Statement:
1. DS 2017-070 by John (JC) Centera of Aquatic Design Services, LLC
2. DS 2017-072 by Chris Birchfield of Global Fireproof Solutions, Inc.
If requested:
Rule Hearings on Rule 61G20-2.001 and Rule 61G20-2.002