
Rule 62-672.100, F.A.C., is being repealed as it only describes the intent of the rule and is informational only and not essential for implementation of the provisions of Chapter 62-672, F.A.C. Rule 62-672.620, F.A.C., requires the owners of phosphogypsum stack systems to assess the existing perimeter earthen dikes of such systems and specifies a deadline for the assessments that has now expired. Since the activities have been completed within the expired timeframe, the rule is no longer applicable and is being repealed. Rule 62-672.720, F.A.C., requires owners of existing phosphogypsum stack to assess the safety and stability of the stack and specifies a deadline for completion of the assessments that has now expired. Since the activities have been completed within the expired timeframe, the rule is no longer applicable and is being repealed. OTHER RULES INCORPORATING THIS RULE: None. EFFECT ON THOSE OTHER RULES: No Effect.