
Rule 62-601.400, F.A.C., regarding sampling and testing methods for Domestic wastewater facilities, is being repealed because it is no longer necessary as subsection 62-601.400(1) and paragraph 62-601.400(1)(a), F.A.C., are out-of-date and have been superseded by subsection 62-620.610(18), F.A.C. The procedures for approval of alternative techniques discussed in paragraph 62-601.400(1)(b), F.A.C., are addressed in Rule 62-160.330, F.A.C. Subsection 62-601.400(2), F.A.C., is out of date and its topic, approved test procedures, is addressed in Chapters 62-160 and 62-620, F.A.C., and Rule 62-4.246, F.A.C. Subsection 62-601.400(3), F.A.C., is out-of-date and its topic, laboratory certification, is addressed in Rule 62-160.300, F.A.C. Rule 62-601.830, F.A.C., is being repealed because the rule is unnecessary, out-of-date and no longer used. The Department uses Section 403.121, F.S., (commonly called the Environmental Litigation Reform Act) to establish noncompliance fees for failure to submit reports. OTHER RULES INCORPORATING THIS RULE: Rules 62-699.311(2), 62-110.104(10), and 62-528.425(1)(f), F.A.C., incorporate references to Rule 62-601.400, F.A.C. No other rules incorporate Rule 62-601.830, F.A.C. EFFECT ON THOSE OTHER RULES: There is no effect on other rules; the out-of-date references to Rule 62-601.400, F.A.C., in Rules 62-699.311(2), 62-110.104(10), and 62-528.425(1)(f), F.A.C., should be updated to include the current rules.