
Rule 62-610.426, F.A.C., concerning the irrigation of edible crops with reuse water is being repealed because it is no longer necessary as the rule is repetitive of paragraph 62-610.100(9)(c), F.A.C., and Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C. Rule 62-610.478, F.A.C., regarding the use of reclaimed water for dust control is being repealed because it is unnecessary since the rule does not provide additional requirements on the use of reclaimed water for construction dust control to those included in paragraph 62-610.100(9)(l), subsection 62-610.450(1), and subparagraph 62-610.810(2)(h)1., F.A.C. Rule 62-610.479, F.A.C., regarding the use of reclaimed water for asthetic purposes is being repealed because the rule is unnecessary since it does not provide additional requirements on the use of reclaimed water for aesthetic purposes to those included in paragraph 62-610.100(9)(l), subsection 62-610.450(1), subsection 62-610.471(8), and subparagraph 62-610.810(2)(h)1., F.A.C., or Chapter 62-650, F.A.C. Rule 62-610.490, F.A.C., regarding permitting is being repealed because the rule is unnecessary as it is repetitive of paragraph 62-610.320(1)(b) and Rule 62-610.800, F.A.C.; Application Form 2A, Permit for Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Reuse or Disposal Facility, which is adopted by reference in subsection 62-620.910(2), F.A.C.; and the Department's Guide to Permitting Wastewater Facilities or Activities Under Chapter 62-620, F.A.C., which is adopted by reference in paragraph 62-620.100(3)(p), F.A.C. OTHER RULES INCORPORATING THIS RULE: Rule 62-610.469, F.A.C., incorporates references to Rule 62-610.479, F.A.C. No other rules incorporate Rules 62-610.426, 62-610.478, or 62-610.490, F.A.C. EFFECT ON THOSE OTHER RULES: There is no effect on other rules; the reference to 62-610.479, F.A.C., in Rule 62-610.469, F.A.C., should be updated to include the appropriate rules.