
TMDLs and their allocations will be established for the pollutants identified as causing the impairment for the impaired waters in the above listed basin. At this time, the Department is concurrently noticing a workshop to receive public comments on the draft dissolved oxygen and nutrient TMDLs for the Stevenson Creek tidal segment (WBID 1567), to be adopted in rule 62-304.645. The draft TMDL document for this impaired water will be placed on the Department’s TMDL website ( by November 23 and will be provided upon request to interested parties by mail or via e-mail distribution. The Department will accept written comments on the draft TMDLs through December 23, 2011. Written comments should be directed to: Jan Mandrup-Poulsen, Environmental Administrator, Watershed Evaluation and TMDL Section, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Mail Station 3555, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400, or via email at: This rule development has been given OGC case number 08-2478. A copy of the agenda may be obtained by contacting: Ms. Pat Waters, Watershed Evaluation and TMDL Section, MS 3555, Department of Environmental Protection, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400, or by calling (850)245-8449. If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the agency head, a rule development workshop for other WBIDS within the Springs Coast basins will be noticed in the next available Florida Administrative Weekly.