
To amend Rule 19-11.001, F.A.C. to add new definitions for “death in the line of duty” and “special risk member;” to clarify other definitions; and to correct some typographical errors. To amend Rule 19-11.003, F.A.C. to clarify certain information regarding Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs); to add new information concerning pending distributions; and to clarify certain information. To amend Rule 19-11.004, F.A.C. to clarify certain information. To amend Rule 19-11.005, F.A.C. to clarify information and to indicate how copies of issued Final Orders can be obtained. To amend Rule 19-11.006 to adopt the latest versions of the applicable enrollment forms; and to indicate that an employee who terminates employment prior to making a retirement plan choice will be given another opportunity to make a plan choice if the employee returns to FRS-covered employment in the future. To amend Rule 19-11.007, F.A.C. to adopt the latest versions of the Second Election enrollment forms; to clarify information set forth regarding a member who is on unpaid leave of absence or summer break to indicate that a second election form can only be submitted by such member during the month that the member is actively working and earning salary and service credit; and to indicate that any person that transfers to the Investment Plan and provides a cell phone number or email address will be deemed to have consented to electronic delivery of documents through the MyFRS.com website. To amend Rule 19-11.008, F.A.C. to indicate the any unvested account balances will be transferred to a suspense account which is invested in the FIAM Intermediate Duration Pool Fund. To amend Rule 19-11.009 to indicate that if a member receives an invalid distribution, the member may elect to terminate employment rather than to pay back the invalid distribution. Rule 19-11.010 is being amended to state that a power of attorney may be submitted by electronic means or by hard copy. To amend Rule 19-11.011, F.A.C. to indicate how employer errors and corrections will be made and resolved; and to indicate that the Division of Retirement is responsible for monitoring the federally-mandated annual salary that may be applied towards retirement. Rule 19-11.012, F.A.C. is amended to adopt the latest version of the rollover forms. Rule 19-11.013, F.A.C. is amended to set forth how the Self-Directed Brokerage Account enrollment form can be obtained and to make a few clarifications.