1. The emergency action by the Agency uses the rules previously adopted and amends only those portions of rule specifically addressed by the Moreland case.
2. The proposed rules take only the action necessary to ensure that necessary services remain in place to protect the vulnerable, individuals with developmental disabilities served by the Agency.
3. Specifically, the following changes to the originally promulgated rules, consistent with the Moreland, opinion are contained in the emergency rules: Rule 65G-4.0021, F.A.C., identifies the Agency assessment instruments; Rule 65G-4.0024, F.A.C., no longer references any age limits; and Rule 65G-4.0025, F.A.C., deletes reference to client age limits, and no longer includes reference to clients who received services under the Family and Supported Living waiver prior to the implementation of the four-tiered waiver system, or clients who are dependent children residing in residential facilities licensed by DCF.