
Approval to publish a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for proposed creation of the following rules in new Rule Chapter 12D-9, F.A.C. (Requirements for Value Adjustment Boards; Uniform Rules of Procedure for Hearings Before Value Adjustment Boards; Certifications and Complaints): Rule 12D-9.010 (Property Taxpayer Rights and Responsibilities); Rule 12D-9.020 (Appointment of Legal Counsel to the Board); Rule 12D-9.030 (Role of Legal Counsel to the Board); Rule 12D-9.050 (Composition of Value Adjustment Board); Rule 12D-9.101 (Scope of These Uniform Rules of Procedure); Rule 12D-9.102 (Definitions); Rule 12D-9.103 (Duties of the Board); Rule 12D-9.1033 (Duties of Boards that Use Special Magistrates; Required Use; Qualifications; Clerk’s Duties; List of Qualified Special Magistrates); Rule 12D-9.104 (Duties of the Clerk); Rule 12D-9.105 (Authority and Duties of Special Magistrates); Rule 12D-9.106 (Petition); Rule 12D-9.107 (Representation of the Taxpayer); Rule 12D-9.108 (Standards of Conduct); Rule 12D-9.109 (Filing and Service); Rule 12D-9.1095 (Written Authorization by Agent of Taxpayer to Receive Confidential Taxpayer Information); Rule 12D-9-110 (Exchange of Evidence); Rule 12D-9.111 (Notice of Hearing; Scheduling of Hearings; 4-Hour Rule; Presentation of Evidence; Testimony of Witnesses; Conducting Hearings by Electronic Media); Rule 12D-9.112 (Disqualification or Recusal of Special Magistrates); Rule 12D-9.113 (Ex Parte Communication Prohibition); Rule 12D-9.114 (Recordation); Rule 12D-9.1145 (Procedures for Remanded Assessments ); Rule 12D-9.1146 (Appeals to the Value Adjustment Board of Denials and of Amount of Transfer of Assessment Limitation Difference (Portability)); Rule 12D-9.115 (Final Decisions); Rule 12D-9.116 (Further Judicial Proceedings); Rule 12D-9.120 (Duty of Clerk to Prepare and Transmit Record); Rule 12D-9.165 (Certification of Assessment Rolls); Rule 12D-9.180 (Complaints; Form Required); Rule 12D-9.190 (Notice of Noncompliance from Department of Revenue); and, Rule 12D-9.200 (Public Notice of Findings and Results of Value Adjustment Board).