
Agenda topics may include 2006 overview with Q&A; approval of minutes, SB 1894 & HB 7169 impact; ethics and sunshine matters; election of vice chair & officers; recognition of service of prior Chair; 2008 meeting schedule; plan of operation, to include bylaws, a proposed “constitution,” and Operations Manual revisions; Audit, Executive Compensation, Operations, Producer Appeals, Reinsurance, and Rates & Forms Committee reports and recommendations regarding Audit Committee Charter and checklist; 2006 Market Conduct Exam; audit procedures to include auditor appointment procedure; code of conduct; conflict of interest policy; procurement procedures; financial audit report for the period ending June 30, 2007; federal tax exemption filing update; 2008 reinsurance program options; agency/producer request for reinstatement of privileges to submit business to the FWCJUA; 2008 Business Plan & Forecast preliminary outline; legal services; service provider selection process; service provider audit report; disaster recovery matters; document management; document retention; selection of actuary; 2008 executive compensation; and staff reports on operations and financials.