The purpose of this rule amendment is to modify the Commission’s Reef Fish Gear Rule to become consistent with federal reef fish gear regulations in the South Atlantic. NOAA Fisheries Service has published rules that include a requirement to use dehooking tools when releasing fish in federal South Atlantic waters. This provision went into effect July 29, 2009 and was designed to lower discard mortality of snapper-grouper species. Dehooking tools are widely used by commercial and recreational fishers and are a proven way of reducing handling and associated mortality of fish that are returned to the water. The Commission is considering changes to state regulations that would require a dehooking tool to be aboard commercial and recreational vessels and to be used as needed when releasing reef fish in the Atlantic Ocean.
The following rule amendment would change state regulations to be consistent with federal regulations: require a dehooking tool to be aboard commercial and recreational vessels and to be used as needed to remove hooks from fish in the Atlantic Ocean when fishing for reef fish.
The effect of this rule amendment is that federal and state regulations regarding reef fish gear would be applied more consistently to all reef fish fishing activity in the Atlantic Ocean. The overall effect is to more consistently apply regulations to minimize confusion for the public and aid in enforcement of both state and federal fishery regulations. By adopting these regulations the State of Florida will also be taking steps to reduce discard mortality of reef fish which should help to ensure a larger sustainable harvest for the future.