Rule 68B-31.004, F.A.C. (Trawl Gear Specifications: Turtle Excluder Devices Required; Exceptions; Definitions) would be amended to remove the list of TEDs from rule and refer to the list in the U.S. Code of Federal Regualtions for allowable TEDs. This section would also be amended to correct the reference to TEDs in the Code of Federal Regulations. Rule 68B-31.0045, F.A.C. (Otter Trawl Gear Specifications: Bycatch Reduction Devices) would be amended to state all federally-certified BRDs would meet the state requirements for a BRD. Additionally, language regarding the Florida Finfish Excluder would be modified to state that it would only meet the state BRD requirements in inshore and nearshore waters and the language regarding the Extended Funnel BRD would be removed so that it is no longer allowed in state waters.