
Rule 68B-44.002, F.A.C. (Definitions) would be amended by reorganizing and renumbering the shark groups, the smooth dogfish genus Mustelus would be added to the list of species covered under Chapter 68B-44, F.A.C., changing the definition of finning to clarify that a shark fin may be cut as long as it is still naturally attached to the shark, adding a definition of fork length and “harvest for commercial purposes” and removing the definition of spearing. Rule 68B-44.003, F.A.C. (Bag Limit Applicable to State Waters, Gear Restriction) would be amended to make hook and line the only allowable gear to harvest sharks in Florida state waters and to not allow snatching or multiple hooks with natural bait. The spearing section would also be removed from Rule 68B-44.003, F.A.C. Rule 68B-44.004, F.A.C. (Practice of Finning Prohibited; Removal of Fins from Sharks Harvested in State Waters Prohibited; Compliance with Federal Requirements; Filleting Prohibited) would be amended to clarify and strengthen the finning rule by stating the tail may not be removed; however, the base of the tail may be sliced to bleed the shark to help preserve the meat. This rule section would also be amended to prohibit the removal of heads at sea, remove additional unnecessary language, and ensure sharks legally caught in adjacent federal waters are allowed to be landed in Florida. Rule 68B-44.005, F.A.C. (Commercial Harvest of Sharks: Federal Permit Required) would be amended to include language stating all commercial shark landings must be sold to a federally-licensed wholesale dealer and update the reference to the federal code regarding commercial shark permits. Rule 68B-44.006, F.A.C. (Commercial Season; Season Closure; Prohibition of Sale) would be amended to change the commercial fishing season from July 1 through June 30 to January 1 through December 31. Additionally, this section would be amended to include language to automatically close the shark fishery when the ASMFC directs states to close the fishery in state waters and would clarify that the pelagic sharks group is included in current commercial season closure language. Rule 68B-44.007, F.A.C. (Size Limit Applicable to State Waters) would be created to implement a 54 inch minimum fork length for all allowable shark species except Atlantic sharpnose shark, blacknose shark, bonnethead shark, finetooth shark, smooth dogfish, and blacktip shark, resulting in a size limit for 14 shark species in Florida waters. Rule 68B-44.008, F.A.C. (Protected Species; Prohibition of Harvest, Landing, and Sale) would be amended to include sandbar, silky, and Caribbean sharpnose sharks on the list of prohibited sharks and rays and reorganize the list of prohibited species in alphabetical order.