
The rules prescribe the procedures to be followed by municipal electric utilities and rural electric cooperatives in submitting documentation of rate schedules and contracts and agreements. Rule 25-9.001 - Amendments clarify which rules apply to each type of utility by rule number. Remainder of the rule is deleted as obsolete and unnecessary; Rule 25-9.002 - Amendments state that definitions are applicable to Rules 25-9.002 through 25-9.045, F.A.C., rather than a reference to these regulations; Rule 25-9.050 - Amendments repeal this rule as it is obsolete due to amendments to Rule 25-9.001, F.A.C., identifying rules applicable to each type of utility; Rule 25-9.051 - Amendments define the documentation to be submitted with the proposed change in rate structure, including rate schedules, and contracts and agreements; Rule 25-9.052 - Amendments set forth instructions for the filing of documentation in support of a proposed rate structure; Rule 25-9.053 - Amendments identify evaluation criteria for a proposed change in rate structure and describe role of staff and the Commission in the evaluation.