
Financial Management Number: 432639-6-22-01 FAP Number: 0202 054P ETDM Number: 14230 Project Description: Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study, State Road (SR) 90/SW 8th Street and SW 7th Street from SR 9/SW 27th Avenue to Brickell Avenue, Miami-Dade County, Florida. The purpose of the PD&E Study is to evaluate improvements along the project corridor including the interchanges at SW 7th Street and SW 8th Street and Interstate 95 (I-95) to improve traffic operations, improve the existing and future physical, operational and safety deficiencies, promote a Complete Streets corridor, and improve access to the Brickell financial district and urban neighborhood. This is a Project Advisory Group (PAG) Meeting. The PAG serves as an advisory group and key participant in the transportation decision making process. The PAG will assist the project team to ensure the community’s needs and concerns are addressed in the development and evaluation of the proposed project alternatives. Engineering, environmental, socioeconomic and cost factors will be considered to develop a recommended alternative. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status.