
Updates will be provided by Superintendent Kenworthy on behalf of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents and President Beard on behalf of the Council of Presidents. Items for consideration include action relating to the following: Approval of New Bachelor Degree Program in the Florida College System: Broward College proposal for a BS in Aerospace Sciences; Amendment to Rule 6A-5.081, Approval of School Leadership Programs; Amendments to Rules 6A-4.002, General Provisions and 6A-4.004, Florida Educator’s Certificates; Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0786, Forms for Charter School Applicants and Sponsors; Amendment to the contract between the State Board of Education and SEED School of Miami, Inc.; Amendment to Rule 6A-1.099827, Charter School Corrective Action and School Improvement Plans; Amendment to Rule 6A-1.09533, Minimum School Term, Emergencies; Amendment to Rules 6M-4.200, School Readiness Eligibility Provisions; 6M-4.208, Verification of Employment and Income; and 6M-4.209, Redetermination of Eligibility for Financial Assistance; Amendment to Rule 6M-4.400, Required Parent Co-payment; Amendment to Rule 6M-4.610, Statewide Provider Contract for the School Readiness Program; and Amendment to Rule 6M–8.301, Standard Statewide Provider Contract for the VPK Program.