The rule revisions would place the Commission in the role of being its own Official Reporter. This would be implemented through the Commission’s Web site which provides an electronic database of the Commission's orders. This would take place January 1, 2010, with prior orders being located in the FPSC Reporter, published by FALR. Rule 25-22.103, F.A.C., Orders Indexed, is repealed because there is no need for orders to be “indexed” when an electronic database is used instead; Rule 25-22.1035, F.A.C., Designation of Official Reporter, is amended to make the Commission's Web site the Official Reporter from January 2010 forward; Rule 25-22.107, F.A.C., Plan for Making Orders Available to the Public, is amended to state that copies of orders are maintained electronically at the Commission’s Web site; Rule 25-22.105, F.A.C., System for Indexing Orders, is amended to refer to the Commission's electronic database on the Commission's Web site. The amendments also refer to the advanced search feature of orders.