
11B-30.006: To update the Department’s web address. 11B-30.007: To update the State Officer Certification Examination (SOCE) web site. To allow a debit card to be used to pay for the SOCE. To clarify that rescheduling of the SOCE does not constitute a re-examination. 11B-30.0071: To update the Application for Individuals Request Special Test Accommodations form CJSTC-502 to incorporate rule revisions. To make housekeeping revisions. To allow the test booklet to be produced in large print versus high quality regular print or read aloud. To disallow reading of the SOCE or the Basic Abilities Test. To revise the list of accommodations that are not permissible when taking the SOCE. To revise the definition/example of a person with physical disabilities. 11B-30.008: To remove unnecessary rule language. To add rule language regarding individuals who arrive late to take the SOCE and compliance with Rule 11B-30.007, F.A.C. 11B-30.009: To require violations to be documented in writing and submitted to the FDLE/CJPP program director. To require dismissal of an applicant from the SOCE test site for engaging in conduct intended to subvert the SOCE process and to list the conduct that subverts the SOCE process. To list the sanctions the Commission shall impose for conduct intended to subvert the SOCE process. To list the conduct that violates the standards of the SOCE test administration. To list sanctions the Commission shall impose for acts that violate the SOCE test administration. To require that an applicant’s existing certification shall be subject to disciplinary action upon violation of the SOCE Test Administration standards. 11B-30.011: To remove redundant language on the Applicant State Officer Certification Examination Overall Test Results form CJSTC-516. 11B-30.012: To clarify the “missed examination items review process” for individuals who have failed the SOCE. To increase the number of days from 45 to 120 for an individual to review their SOCE and to revise the State Officer Certification Examination Grade Review Request form CJSTC-510 accordingly. To allow participants in the examination review session to review the SOCE for each discipline one time. To revise the State Officer Certification Examination Review form CJSTC-511 to include additional document to the review packet contents list.