This hearing is being held to afford interested persons the opportunity to express their views concerning the location, conceptual design and social, economic and environmental effects of Financial Project ID Number 210230-2, otherwise known as SR 313 from SR 207 to SR 16 in St. Johns County. The SR 313 project is planned as a western bypass of St. Augustine from the end of the existing SR 312 at SR 207, north to US 1. This public hearing is being held to discuss the segment of SR 313 from SR 207 to SR 16 only. The proposed new construction for this segment will provide a six-lane urban roadway from SR 207 to CR 214 with a 22 foot median, curb & gutter and shoulders within 200-250 feet of controlled access right of way. From CR 214 to SR 16 the roadway will be a six-lane rural facility with a 40 foot median and shoulders within 250 feet of controlled access right of way. Additional right of way may be required for the proposed improvements. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status.