The proposed rules for the Village of Islamorada Comprehensive Plan identify the individual Work Program tasks set forth in Rule 28-20.110, F.A.C., and the completion dates of the Work Program tasks necessary for consideration by the Administration Commission prior to Removal of the Area of Critical State Concern Designation. As required by Section 380.0552(4), Florida Statutes, the Work Program tasks specified in Administration Commission rules must be reported annually. The protection of the natural environment of the Florida Keys, and the identification of and progress in accomplishing the tasks under Work Program (as set out in Rule 28-20.110, F.A.C.) is reported to the Department of Community Affairs for the preparation of a written annual report to the Administration Commission. The Work Program tasks include the continued implementation of the Wastewater Master Plan and the construction of wastewater treatment and collection facilities; the continued implementation of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study; the identification and completion of stormwater projects; and the analysis of hurricane evacuation issues in the Florida Keys.