The proposed rules are amended as follows: the language of Rule 33-601.713, F.A.C., is clarified and a definition of “major rule violation” for the purpose of visiting privileges suspension is added; Rule 33-601.714, F.A.C., clarifies the warden’s authority to deny or terminate a visit; Rule 33-601.715, F.A.C., corrects language referring to the wrong form; Rule 33-601.716, F.A.C., clarifies the circumstances under which an individual may be on the visiting list of more than one non-family inmate; Rule 33-601.717, F.A.C., is substantially reworded to clarify the circumstances under which an individual may be denied visiting privileges; Rule 33-601.718, F.A.C., is repealed as the language of the rule is being moved to other rules within Chapter 33-601, F.A.C.; Rule 33-601.725, F.A.C., adds a photo ID and a copy of a notarized authorization to supervise a minor to the list of permissible items for visitors to possess; Rule 33-601.731, F.A.C., clarifies the circumstances under which an individual’s visiting privileges may be suspended and incorporates by reference the Visiting Privileges Suspension Matrix, which specifies the time period of suspensions in relation to their underlying infractions; Rule 33-601.732, F.A.C., clarifies the procedure for reinstatement of suspended visiting privileges; Rule 33-601.733, F.A.C., adds language being moved from Rule 33-601.734, F.A.C., concerning the visiting privileges of inmates in confinement and protective management statuses; Rule 33-601.735, F.A.C., clarifies that noncontact visits for confinement and protective management status inmates must be pre-approved by the warden or designee; and Rule 33-601.737, F.A.C., clarifies language on Forms DC6-111B and DC6-111D.