
The Legislature expressly authorized the Department of Revenue to adopt emergency rules that implement the provisions of and Chapter 2008-173 (Senate Bill 1588), Laws of Florida. The law provides that these emergency rules remain in effect for a period of 18 months and that they may be renewed. The form included here is based on the requirements of Chapter 2008-173 (Senate Bill 1588), Laws of Florida. The Department of Revenue has taken several actions to inform interested parties about the forms, procedures, and emergency rules that are being developed to implement this new law, and to give such parties an opportunity to review and comment. These interested parties include Tax Collectors and interested parties who have told the Department that they want to receive all information associated with property tax rulemaking. The actions that the Department has taken include: making the proposed draft form available via the Internet for public review and comments, establishing a new Department email address to make it easier for interested parties to submit comments and questions to the agency; emailing copies of the draft forms to interested parties, as well as receiving and incorporating public comments on the draft form DR-503NA.