
This rulemaking has two purposes. The first purpose is to clarify that, in the income sections of the CE Form 6 -- Full and Public Disclosure of Financial Interests, CE Form 6F -- Final Full and Public Disclosure of Financial Interests, and CE Form 6X -- Amendment to Full and Public Disclosure of Financial Interests, a filer does not have to disclose identifying information concerning an income source if it would violate confidentiality or privilege pursuant to the law or rules governing attorneys. In such an instance, the filer may indicate they have a "Legal Client" meeting the disclosure criteria without providing further information. The Commission on Ethics has rulemaking authority in the Constitution to develop rules regarding the disclosure of income on these particular Forms. The second purpose is to clarify in the instructions for the CE Form 6 and CE Form 6X, as well as in the instructions for the CE Form 1 -- Statement of Financial Interests and the CE Form 1X -- Amendment to Statement of Financial Interests, that the training certification portion does not yet have to be completed by elected local officers of independent special districts, or any person appointed to fill a vacancy on an independent special district board. While these types of officers must begin receiving four hours of ethics training during 2024, they will not have to certify receiving that training until they file their 2024 financial disclosure, which will be after the 2024 calendar year is complete. For that reason, it is premature to mention them in the instructions for this portion of the forms, and the amendment will remove that reference, at least temporarily.