
Paragraph 11B-20.001(1)(a), F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Training Report, form CJSTC-67, to change the rule reference and update where the original and/or copy of the form should be maintained. Paragraph 11B-20.001(2)(a), F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Instructor Certification Application, form CJSTC-71, to update the certification categories to change Firearms to Handgun, add Shotgun and Patrol rifle, and remove Diving; and update where the original and/or copy of the form should be maintained. Sub-subparagraph 11B-20.001(3)(a)3.a., F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Instructor Competency Checklist, form CJSTC-81, to update the instructor certification categories and instructor student internship requirements to change Firearms to Handgun and remove Diving. Sub-subparagraph 11B-20.001(3)(a)5.a., F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Affidavit of Separation, form CJSTC-61, to update where the original and/or copy of the form should be maintained and change the Agency Requirements for agencies unable to enter information online through ATMS to contact FDLE/CJP Records Section for assistance. Sub-subparagraph 11B-20.001(3)(a)5.b., F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Internal Investigation Report, form CJSTC-78, to add the officer’s email address. Paragraph 11B-20.0013(2)(b), F.A.C.: Changes the name of the Firearms Instructor Certification to reflect Handgun Instructor Certification to comply with firearms standards. Paragraph 11B-20.0013(2)(e), F.A.C.: Adds Patrol Rifle Instructor Certification to the list of Commission-approved High-Liability Instructor Certifications. Paragraph 11B-20.0013(2)(f), F.A.C.: Adds Shotgun Instructor Certification to the list of Commission-approved High-Liability Instructor Certifications. Paragraph 11B-20.0014(1)(d), F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Instructor Competency Checklist, form CJSTC-81, to update the instructor certification categories and instructor student internship requirements to change Firearms to Handgun and remove Diving. Paragraph 11B-20.0014(2)(b), F.A.C.: Changes the name of the Firearms Instructor Certification to reflect Handgun Instructor Certification to comply with firearms standards. Sub-paragraph 11B-20.0014(2)(b)2., F.A.C.: Changes the name of the Firearms Instructor Course to reflect Handgun Instructor Course to comply with firearms standards. Sub-paragraph 11B-20.0014(2)(b)3., F.A.C.: Changes the name of the Firearms Instructor Course to reflect Handgun Instructor Course to comply with firearms standards. Paragraph 11B-20.0014(2)(e)-(f), F.A.C.: Adds Patrol Rifle Instructor Certification and Shotgun Instructor Certification as Commission-approved High Liability Instructor Certification courses. Sub-paragraph 11B-20.0014(3)(c)5., F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Canine Team Instructor Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-20, to change the rule reference and update where the original and/or copy of the form should be maintained. Subsection 11B-20.0016(2), F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Instructor Certification Deficiency Notification, form CJSTC-271, to update where the original and/or copy of the form should be maintained. Rule 11B-20.0017, F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Instructor Compliance Application, form CJSTC-84, to update the Maintenance of High-Liability Certification category and the Continuing Training and Education requirements to change the rule reference, change Firearms to Handgun, and add Patrol Rifle and Shotgun to both tables; and update where the original and/or copy of the form should be maintained.