
Removes duplicate rule language for completing a user agreement as already outlined in s. 943.0542(2)(a), Florida Statutes by removing the reference to the VECHS User Agreement – Volunteer & Employee Criminal History System (NCPA 2; Rev. January 1, 2001) from Rule 11C-6.004(4), F.A.C. Removes reference to submitting a fingerprint card in Rule 11C-6.004(4), F.A.C, in accordance with federal (FBI) regulations. Updates VECHS Qualified Entity Application – Volunteer & Employee Criminal History System (NCPA 1; Rev. January 1, 2001) to remove references to hard card fingerprint submissions that are now prohibited by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of conducting criminal history background checks. VECHS Qualified Entity Application - Volunteer & Employee Criminal History System (NCPA 1; Rev. January 1, 2001) is incorporated by reference in Rule 11C-6.004(4), F.A.C. Clarifies and streamlines requirements for entities to register and participate in the Volunteer & Employee Criminal History System (VECHS) set forth in Rule 11C-6.004(4), F.A.C. and Section 943.0542, F.S.