
The purpose of the proposed amendments to Rule 12D-16.002, F.A.C. (Index to Forms) is to amend a current form, adopt three new forms, and repeal outdated forms supporting the amendment of Rule Chapter 12-9 (Certified Florida Property Appraiser and Certified Florida Tax Collector Program). The amended form is Form DR-410 (Application for Florida Professional Certification). The form is amended to combine all certifications into one application. The new forms used in the certification process are Form DR-410ACL (Approved Course List), Form DR-410CE (Application for Approval of Course or Continuing Education Credit Hours) and Form DR-410E (Course Enrollment Form). The repealed forms are Form DR-516 (Application for Certified Florida Appraiser), Form DR-516E (Application for Certified Florida Evaluator), and Form DR-591 (Application for Certified Cadastralist of Florida). Applicants will use the amended Form DR-410. Rule text and agenda are posted on the Department’s website at http://floridarevenue.com/rules.