Newly enacted Section 367.072, FS, authorizes the Commission to revoke a water utility’s certificate of authorization to provide water service if, after at least 65 percent of the utility’s customers file a petition for revocation, the Commission finds that due to quality of water service issues, revocation is in the best interest of the customers in accordance with that section. Rule 25-30.091 adopts the format of and requirements for a petition for revocation, as required by that section, and the process by which the Commission will consider the petitions. Moreover, newly enacted Section 367.0812, FS, requires the Commission to consider, when setting rates, the extent to which a water utility provides service that meets secondary water quality standards as established by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Therefore, Rule 25-30.440 is amended to require water utilities to provide a copy of all customer complaints the utility has received regarding DEP secondary standards during the past 5 years when applying for a rate increase.