
Rule 62-716.320, F.A.C., states that the grant recipient must maintain records of grant fund expenditures and assure that the records are available for Department inspection for at least 3 years. Rule 62-716.600, F.A.C., provides requirements for waste tire grant applications. Rule 62-716.900, F.A.C., provides information on where to obtain the forms used in Chapter 62-716, F.A.C. These rules are being repealed because they are unnecessary to administer the program, are not essential to meet the statutory mandate, and duplicative. Rule 62-716.600, F.A.C., is being repealed because the Solid Waste Grant Program statute no longer covers waste tire grants. Rule 62-716.900, F.A.C., is incorporated in Rules 62-716.300, 62-716.400, 62-716.450, 62-716.460, 62-716.470, 62-716.500, and 62-716.600, F.A.C. The effect of this repeal on these rule sections is minimal and these rule sections will have to be amended to remove the references to 62-716.900, F.A.C.