Amendments to Chapter 40D-8, F.A.C., will establish a Minimum Aquifer Level and Minimum Aquifer Level Protection Zone providing a minimum aquifer elevation for the Dover/Plant city area to prevent significant harm from frost/freeze pumpage. The minimum aquifer level is the 10 ft potentiometric surface elevation at District Well DV-1 Suwannee. Compliance with the Minimum Aquifer Level is evaluated using a groundwater flow model simulation of the permitted groundwater frost/freeze withdrawals in the DPCWUCA, which is being established in companion rule amendments to Chapter 40D-2, F.A.C. Based on the annual simulation, if the resulting potentiometric level is at or above 10 ft NGVD at well DV-1 Suwannee, compliance with the Minimum Aquifer Level is achieved. If the resulting level is below 10 ft NGVD at well DV-1 Suwannee, compliance is not achieved. Once the Minimum Aquifer Level is achieved, if the actual potentiometric level falls below the Minimum Aquifer Level during a frost/freeze event, the District shall investigate the cause, re-evaluate the Minimum Aquifer Level, and determine the appropriate recovery strategy. Permittees do not have to demonstrate individual compliance with the Minimum Aquifer Level, only the Minimum Aquifer Protection Zone.
The Minimum Level Protection Zone proposed under amendments to Chapter 40D-8, F.A.C. is defined as an area within the boundary of the 30 ft drawdown contour for the January 2010 frost/freeze event. Proposed amendments to Chapter 40D-2, F.A.C. and the Water Use Permit Basis of Review, Part B (BOR) provide particular compliance regulations based on whether there would be adverse impacts from withdrawals that would impact the Minimum Level Protection Zone.